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UmlWriter v3 contains two different services.

  • ContainerService implements a PSR-11 compatible service container that allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed.

  • ClassDiagramRenderer that is in charge to add vertices and edges in the graph corresponding to data source(s) parsed.

Service Container

We distinguish two kind of services:

  • internal like ClassDiagramRenderer and ClassDiagramCommand that cannot be changed at runtime.
  • runtime like InputInterface, OutputInterface and GeneratorFactoryInterface (the others) that could be changed.

Class Diagram Renderer

  • Is in charge to add vertices and edge with the __invoke() method.

  • getGraph() method allows retrieving current graph to let you ability to personalize render by setting graph, node or edge attributes.

  • Is able to retrieve all namespaces, classes, interfaces found during parse data source with getMetadata() method.

// Example

use Bartlett\UmlWriter\Generator\GeneratorFactory;
use Bartlett\UmlWriter\Service\ClassDiagramRenderer;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

// path to directory where to find PHP source code
$dataSource = 'src';

$finder = new Finder();

$generatorFactory = new GeneratorFactory();
// creates instance of Bartlett\GraphUml\Generator\GraphVizGenerator
$generator = $generatorFactory->createInstance('graphviz');

$renderer = new ClassDiagramRenderer();
// generates UML class diagram of all objects found in dataSource (in graphviz format)
$graph = $renderer($finder, $generator);
// show all metadata

That could produce such results (with UmlWriter src directory)

array(3) {
  array(8) {
    string(53) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Generator\AbstractGeneratorFactory"
    string(45) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Generator\GeneratorFactory"
    string(47) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Service\ConfigurationHandler"
    string(47) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Service\ClassDiagramRenderer"
    string(43) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Service\ContainerService"
    string(38) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Console\Application"
    string(54) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Console\Command\ClassDiagramCommand"
    string(47) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Config\Loader\YamlFileLoader"
  array(1) {
    string(54) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Generator\GeneratorFactoryInterface"
  array(5) {
    string(28) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Generator"
    string(26) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Service"
    string(26) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Console"
    string(34) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Console\Command"
    string(32) "Bartlett\UmlWriter\Config\Loader"