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Architecture Diagram (public visibility)

Generate UmlWriter graph architecture with only public methods and default render options.

Console Command

When you're in project folder, invoke diagram:class command with following arguments:

bin/umlwriter diagram:class src/ --hide-private --hide-protected --without-constants --without-properties --format=svg

Will output this graph statements and image look like

Graph UML Example

Batch PHP

Produces same results as previous console command.

use Bartlett\UmlWriter\Generator\GeneratorFactory;
use Bartlett\UmlWriter\Service\ClassDiagramRenderer;

use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

// path to directory where to find PHP source code
$dataSource = dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/src';

$finder = new Finder();

$generatorFactory = new GeneratorFactory();
// creates instance of Bartlett\GraphUml\Generator\GraphVizGenerator
$generator = $generatorFactory->createInstance('graphviz');

$renderer = new ClassDiagramRenderer();
$options = [
    'show_private' => false,
    'show_protected' => false,
    'show_constants' => false,
    'show_properties' => false,
    'node.fillcolor' => '#FEFECE',
    '' => 'filled',
// generates UML class diagram of all objects found in dataSource (in graphviz format)
$graph = $renderer($finder, $generator, $options);

$target = $generator->createImageFile($graph);
echo (empty($target) ? 'no' : $target) . ' file generated' . PHP_EOL;