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Creating a new Generator

You must follow these steps:

1. creates your generator class

This class must follow the GeneratorInterface contract.

namespace Name\Space;

use Bartlett\GraphUml\Formatter\FormatterInterface;
use Bartlett\GraphUml\Formatter\HtmlFormatter;
use Bartlett\GraphUml\Generator\AbstractGenerator;
use Bartlett\GraphUml\Generator\GeneratorInterface;

use Graphp\Graph\Graph;

class MyGenerator extends AbstractGenerator implements GeneratorInterface
    public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface
        return new HtmlFormatter($this->options);

    public function getName(): string
        return 'mygenerator';

    public function createScript(Graph $graph): string
        return 'TODO: Implement createScript() method.';

    public function createImageFile(Graph $graph, string $cmdFormat): string
        return '/image_generation_not_implemented';

2. creates your generator factory class

This factory should be able to load your new generator class.

namespace Name\Space;

use Bartlett\GraphUml\Generator\GeneratorInterface;
use Bartlett\UmlWriter\Generator\GeneratorFactory;

class MyGeneratorFactory extends GeneratorFactory
    public function createInstance(string $provider, string $format = 'svg', string $executable = ''): GeneratorInterface
        if ('mygenerator' === $provider) {
            return new MyGenerator($executable, $format);
        // fallback to default GeneratorFactory behavior (checks for GraphViz or PlantUML)
        parent::createInstance($provider, $format, $executable);

3. autoloader

Of course your classes must be loadable with your autoloader.

// bootstrap.php

use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;

return function (): void
    /** @var ClassLoader $loader */
    $loader = require dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
            'Name\\Space\\MyGenerator' => __DIR__ . '/resources.php',
            'Name\\Space\\MyGeneratorFactory' => __DIR__ . '/resources.php',

4. on console command

Now if you want to use the diagram:class command, you'll need to modify the application launcher bin/launcher to inject the new generator factory in service container.

// app.php

$bootstrap = require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php';

use Bartlett\UmlWriter\Console\Application;
use Bartlett\UmlWriter\Service\ContainerService;
use Bartlett\UmlWriter\Generator\GeneratorFactoryInterface;
use Name\Space\MyGeneratorFactory;

$container = new ContainerService();
$container->set(GeneratorFactoryInterface::class, fn() => new MyGeneratorFactory());

$application = new Application($container);

You have then to invoke bin/umlwriter diagram:class --generator=mygenerator command to get results.

MyGenerator Results

5. on batch mode

Alternative way is to use the batch PHP mode.


use Bartlett\UmlWriter\Service\ClassDiagramRenderer;
use Name\Space\MyGeneratorFactory;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

$bootstrap = require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php';

// path to directory where to find PHP source code
$dataSource = dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/src';

$finder = new Finder();

$generatorFactory = new MyGeneratorFactory();
// creates instance of Name\Space\MyGenerator
$generator = $generatorFactory->createInstance('mygenerator');

$renderer = new ClassDiagramRenderer();
// generates UML class diagram of all objects found in dataSource
$graph = $renderer($finder, $generator);

$script = $generator->createScript($graph);

echo $script, PHP_EOL;

That will only display

TODO: Implement createScript() method.