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Box Manifest

Box Manifest logo Building and managing Manifest to PHP Archives

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Features at a glance

Feature Legacy Command Pipeline Command
Creates a manifest of your software components and dependencies manifest:build make build 1
Generates a stub for your manifest application manifest:stub make stub
Generates a final BOX configuration file make configure
Compiles an application into a PHAR make compile 2
Adds custom action easily make MyCustomStage 3

Everything you would expect but not have yet with PHARs

  • Set up in less than 5 minutes

    Install box-manifestwith composer and get up and running in minutes

    Getting started

  • Capabilities

    Provides advanced, inventory software capabilities to PHARs

    Pipeline reference

  • Zero configuration by default

    As BOX, no configuration required to start


  • Inspect

    Inspect manifests contents of a PHAR at runtime.


  • Open Source, MIT

    BOX Manifest is licensed under MIT and available on GitHub


Play terminal sessions

Play following movies (1), and see how it's so easy to include some manifests in your PHAR distribution.

  1. Created by asciinema and play online with asciinema-player with help of this Mkdocs plugin



Make your first manifests and stub


  1. You can create multiple manifest on same pipeline command, while legacy command allowed only once at a time. 

  2. Easy launcher of BOX project binary command (vendor/bin/box

  3. MyCustomStage is a custom class that should implement the Bartlett\BoxManifest\Pipeline\StageInterface contract and must be loadable, either by your autoloader or with bootstrap helper feature (see --bootstrap|-b option).