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Generate your PHAR bootstrapping file

Of course running CLI commands to verify contents is not so hard. For example:

php -r "var_export((new Phar(getcwd() . '/app-fixtures.phar'))['manifest.txt']->getContent());"

But we may expect a better user experience. Adding a --manifest option that will be able to :

  • search for the first manifest available in a priority files list.
  • show a specific manifest file.

Create your stub

Make for example this stub (see Output tab), either manually or with the following command.

box-manifest make stub

Here, we supposed to have previously generated console-table.txt and manifest.txt resources.


// default stub template @generated by BOX Manifest 4.0.0

$withManifest = array_search('--manifest', $argv);
$withoutAnsi = array_search('--no-ansi', $argv);

if ($withManifest !== false) {
    $manifestDir = '.box.manifests/';
    $resources = (($argc - 1 > $withManifest) && !str_starts_with($argv[$withManifest + 1], '-')) ? [$argv[$withManifest + 1]] : ['console-table.txt', 'manifest.txt'];

    foreach ($resources as $resource) {
        $res = str_replace($manifestDir, '', $resource);
        $filename = "phar://" . __FILE__ . "/{$manifestDir}{$res}";
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
            $manifest = file_get_contents($filename);
            if ($withoutAnsi !== false) {
                $manifest = preg_replace('#\\x1b[[][^A-Za-z]*[A-Za-z]#', '', $manifest);
            echo $manifest, PHP_EOL;
        } elseif (count($resources) === 1) {
            echo sprintf('Manifest "%s" is not available in this PHP Archive.', $resource), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'No manifest found in this PHP Archive', PHP_EOL;

// No PHAR config



Default template resources/default_stub.template is used, but you can make your own if you want to change behaviour.

In this case, specify the --template /path/to/your/template option in previous command. For example:

box-manifest make --template resources/empty_stub.template --output-stub my-stub.php stub

// empty stub template @generated by BOX Manifest 4.0.0

// No PHAR config


Declare it

Declare it in your BOX config file, with excerpt :

  "stub": "my-stub.php"

Compile your PHP Archive

Then compile your PHP Archive.

Display a manifest on runtime

You are now able to display either the first manifest available (console.txt is included and is on top of priority list)

./app-fixtures.phar --manifest

console format

Or the second manifest available (manifest.txt)

./app-fixtures.phar --manifest manifest.txt

plain format

And if you ask for an unavailable manifest into the PHP Archive,

./app-fixtures.phar --manifest sbom.json
Manifest "sbom.json" is not available in this PHP Archive.