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Build your manifests


We've dropped legacy commands, but we still show syntax usage to help Users of version 3 for a smooth migration.

box-manifest make -r manifest.txt build
box-manifest manifest:build -f plain -o manifest.txt

This will create, the manifest.txt file, with a plain text format of your dependencies inventory.

Other formats are available and are auto-discoverable. Here are the rules applied :

Filename Format
console-style.txt console-style
console-table.txt console-table
plain.txt or manifest.txt plain
sbom.json or *.cdx.json sbom-json
sbom.xml or *.cdx.xml sbom-xml
custom.bin User class

CycloneDX Recognized file patterns


Architecture: These rules came from \Bartlett\BoxManifest\Composer\DefaultStrategy applied by default.