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Run all stages with one command

If you're well understand each previous make commands of the pipeline, you want probably executed all stages at once.

You've just to combine all commands (arguments and options), to make it real.

For example: We will build all manifests for BOX Manifest distribution itself.

box-manifest build stub configure compile -r console-table.txt -r plain.txt -r sbom.json --output-stub stub.php --output-conf box.json.dist -vvv

Workflow part 1 Workflow part 2 Workflow part 3

Build manifests

Here are the part required of full above command

box-manifest make build -r console-table.txt -r plain.txt -r sbom.json

Build stub

Here are the part required of full above command

box-manifest make stub --output-stub stub.php

Configure the BOX final config file

Here are the part required of full above command

box-manifest make configure --output-stub stub.php --output-conf box.json.dist

Compile the PHAR distribution

Here are the part required of full above command

box-manifest make compile --output-conf box.json.dist


Don't forget to increase verbosity (-vvv) to see all console logs.