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Built-in stages

BOX Manifest started out as a simple CLI application, but has since evolved into a full-fledged framework for building and maintaining PHAR manifests.

This great improvement since version 4 is possible by implementing the pipeline pattern with league/pipeline Composer Package.

  • Modularity: Built-in stages are designed to be modular, so that they can be easily combined to implement sophisticated pipelines.

  • Interoperability: Built-in stages are designed to be as compatible, so they can be used in combination with other stages, including third-party stages

  • Immutability: Pipelines are implemented as immutable stage chains. When you pipe a new stage, a new pipeline will be created with the added stage. This makes pipelines easy to reuse, and minimizes side effects.


The following stages are designed to help you set up a manifest list and the PHAR bootstrapping file.

  • Built-in build stage

    You are free to add zero or more of manifest file in specific (built-in or custom) format.

  • 👢 Built-in stub stage

    You are free to add a PHAR stub file. This file is the PHAR bootstrapping file, i.e. the very first file executed whenever the PHAR is executed.

    The default PHAR stub file can be used but Box Manifest also propose a couple of options to customize the stub used.


The following stage is designed to help you manage the BOX configuration file.


The following stage is designed to help you shipping manifest files and stub in the PHAR.