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Build stage

This stage is in charge to create or update all manifests that will be shipped with the PHAR file.


How it works

This stage is invoked by the box-manifest make command with build as argument, only once for one or more manifests.

  • --resource|-r should identify each manifest file to create or update.


A resource named custom.bin identify a custom format (not included in built-in formats) that you must specify with the --output-format option (a loadable user class).

When to use it

You should run this command whenever you want to create or update a manifest file contents in a specific format.


The \Bartlett\BoxManifest\Pipeline\BuildStage class is in charge to build all manifests (whatever format you want: built-in or custom).

In case the built-in formats does not match your needs, you have ability to implement your own format with a user class. This class must follow the \Bartlett\BoxManifest\Composer\ManifestBuilderInterface contract and should be loadable, either by your current autoloader, or by using the --bootstrap|-b option.