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Additional stages


How it works

This stage is invoked by the box-manifest make command with a PHP class name (fully qualified) as argument.

When to use it

You should run this command whenever you want to add specific new behavior (not provided) by built-in stages.


This class must follow the \Bartlett\BoxManifest\Pipeline\StageInterface contract and should be loadable, either by your current autoloader, or by using the --bootstrap|-b option.


box-manifest make '\MyCustomStage'

use Bartlett\BoxManifest\Pipeline\AbstractStage;
use Bartlett\BoxManifest\Pipeline\StageInterface;

final readonly class MyCustomStage extends AbstractStage implements StageInterface
    public function __invoke(array $payload): array
            'Payload :',
            var_export($payload, true),
            sprintf('"%s" was invoked with previous payload from command "%s"', __CLASS__,  $this->command->getName())

        return $payload;