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Available extensions


  • ✅ available with PHP version
  • ❌ not available with PHP version
Name Description PHP 8.0 PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3
Total available: 85 71 77 77 77
amqp The amqp PHP Extension
apcu The apcu PHP Extension
ast The ast PHP Extension
bcmath The bcmath PHP Extension
blackfire The blackfire probe Extension
bz2 The bz2 PHP Extension
calendar The calendar PHP Extension
dba The dba PHP Extension
ds The ds PHP Extension
enchant The enchant PHP Extension
exif The exif PHP Extension
gd The gd PHP Extension
geoip The geoip PHP Extension
gettext The gettext PHP Extension
gmp The gmp PHP Extension
http The http PHP Extension
igbinary The igbinary PHP Extension
imagick The imagick PHP Extension
imap The imap PHP Extension
interbase The interbase PHP Extension
intl The intl PHP Extension
ioncube Loader for ionCube Secured Files
jsmin The jsmin PHP Extension
ldap The ldap PHP Extension
lzf The lzf PHP Extension
mailparse The mailparse PHP Extension
mcrypt The mcrypt PHP Extension
memcache The memcache PHP Extension
memcached The memcached PHP Extension
mongo The mongo PHP Extension
mongodb The mongodb PHP Extension
msgpack The msgpack PHP Extension
mysql The mysql PHP Extension
mysqli The mysqli PHP Extension
oauth The oauth PHP Extension
oci8 The oci8 PHP Extension (for PHP 8.2)
oci8 The oci8 PHP Extension (for PHP 8.1)
oci8 The oci8 PHP Extension (for PHP 8.0)
oci8 The oci8 PHP Extension (for PHP 7.x)
oci8 The oci8 PHP Extension (for PHP 5.6)
odbc The odbc PHP Extension
opcache The opcache PHP Extension
opentelemetry The opentelemetry PHP Extension
pcntl The pcntl PHP Extension
pdo_dblib The pdo_dblib PHP Extension
pdo_firebird The pdo_firebird PHP Extension
pdo_mysql The pdo_mysql PHP Extension
pdo_oci The pdo_oci PHP Extension
pdo_odbc The pdo_odbc PHP Extension
pdo_pgsql The pdo_pgsql PHP Extension
pdo_sqlsrv The pdo_sqlsrv PHP Extension
pgsql The pgsql PHP Extension
pspell (for PHP 5 and 7) The pspell PHP Extension
pspell (for PHP 8) The pspell PHP Extension
raphf The raphf PHP Extension
rdkafka The rdkafka PHP Extension
recode The recode PHP Extension
redis The redis PHP Extension
shmop The shmop PHP Extension
snmp The snmp PHP Extension
soap The soap PHP Extension
sockets The sockets PHP Extension
solr The solr PHP Extension
sqlsrv The sqlsrv PHP Extension
ssh2 The ssh2 PHP Extension
stomp The stomp PHP Extension
swoole The swoole PHP Extension
sysvmsg The sysvmsg PHP Extension
sysvsem The sysvsem PHP Extension
sysvshm The sysvshm PHP Extension
tidy The tidy PHP Extension
uploadprogress The uploadprogress PHP Extension
uuid The uuid PHP Extension
vips The vips PHP Extension
wddx The wddx PHP Extension
xdebug The xdebug PHP Extension
xhprof The xhprof PHP Extension
xlswriter The xlswriter PHP Extension
xmldiff The xmldiff PHP Extension
xmlrpc The xmlrpc PHP Extension
xsl The xsl PHP Extension
yac The yac PHP Extension
yaml The yaml PHP Extension
yar The yar PHP Extension
zip The zip PHP Extension