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This guide is dedicated to all PHP developers that want to learn more about each component.

As application is following the Domain-driven design (DDD) principle, the directory structure match this one.

├── Application
├── Infrastructure
└── Presentation

Application layer


The CompatibilityAnalyser has the responsibility to collects different metrics to find out the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run.

To do so, we mainly use the PhpParser, DataCollector and Sniffs.

Graph UML Application Analyser


Graph UML Application Collection


The ConfigResolver component is in charge to handle all arguments/options provided by an instance of Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface

You will find usage into the Bartlett\CompatInfo\Application\Kernel\ConsoleKernel::createFromInput function.

Data Collector(s)

This element is in charge to store data (rule id, php and extension versions found) for later produce results by Extension/Reporter.

Graph UML Application Data Collector


CompatInfo use the Symfony Event-Dispatcher component to avoid tight coupling between a set of interacting objects.

Bartlett\CompatInfo\Application\Event\Dispatcher\EventDispatcher is in charge to dispatch all events to other elements (extensions: logger, progressbar and reporters) of this application.

Graph UML Application Event


Graph UML Application Extension


This element is the main entry point of the bin/phpcompatinfo command line runner.


Application Logger UML


We use a PHP Parser to parse source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST). Each Sniffs (rules) identified by a fingerprint (AST nodes) will then be stored into the DataCollector.

Graph UML Application Parser


Graph UML Application Polyfill


Graph UML Application Profiler


Graph UML Application Query


Graph UML Application Service


Each one has responsibility to detect a specific PHP feature.

Graph UML Application Sniff

Infrastructure layer

Both layers Application and Presentation talk to each other with two buses (one for Queries, and another one for Commands).

We used the use the Symfony Messenger component to realize these actions.

Graph UML Infrastructure Bus

Presentation layer

The Command Line Runner of CompatInfo is a Symfony Console Application with many Command.

  • all db:* commands are inherited directly from CompatInfoDB
  • analyser:run is the main command to parse a datasource and print results of analysis
  • rule:list is a command to identify each rule found during analysis (id, description, sniff used)

Graph UML Presentation Console