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  • Parsing PHP 5, PHP 7 or PHP 8 code into an abstract syntax tree (AST) is provided by the PHP-Parser library.

  • Contextual elements and minimum PHP versions detection provided by following node visitors.

PHP-Parser Node Visitors

  • Parent references with the ParentContextVisitor
  • Name Resolution with the NameResolverVisitor
  • Version Resolution with the VersionResolverVisitor


  • Data Collector(s) with common DataCollector and specialized VersionDataCollector classes
  • Data Collector(s) contract with the CollectorInterface
  • Collector Handler for both Profile and Profiler with CollectorTrait
  • Profile information for a single data source with Profile


They are grouped by categories to solve PHP features (from 4.0 to 8.3)

  • Arrays (3)
  • Attributes (4)
  • Classes (11)
  • Constants (6)
  • ControlStructures (4)
  • Enumerations (1)
  • Expressions (4)
  • Fibers (1)
  • FunctionCalls (1)
  • FunctionDeclarations (7)
  • Generators (1)
  • Keywords (1)
  • Numbers (2)
  • Operators (5)
  • TextProcessing (2)
  • UseDeclarations (2)


PHPCompatInfo can be extended by registering objects that implement one or more of the following interfaces:

  • BeforeAnalysisInterface
  • AfterAnalysisInterface
  • BeforeFileAnalysisInterface
  • AfterFileAnalysisInterface
  • BeforeTraverseAstInterface
  • AfterTraverseAstInterface
  • BeforeProcessNodeInterface
  • AfterProcessNodeInterface
  • BeforeSetupSniffInterface
  • AfterTearDownSniffInterface
  • BeforeProcessSniffInterface
  • AfterProcessSniffInterface

Furthermore, extensions may implement the Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface in order to have its event handlers automatically registered with the EventDispatcher when the extension is loaded.


They are identified by services that implements the Bartlett\CompatInfo\Application\Polyfills\PolyfillInterface.