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Before version 5.4, PHP CompatInfo used JSON config file handled by PHP Reflect Api/V3/Config object,

With version 5.4+, PHP CompatInfo uses now the Symfony DependencyInjection component. It allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in console application.

Read more how Setting up the Container with Configuration Files.

Old plugin system can be replaced with the Bartlett\CompatInfo\Event\Dispatcher\EventDispatcher service.

Default Services and Parameters

The closure returned by config/set/default.php file allows loading the following services:

Service ID Service Class Description
Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface Bartlett\CompatInfo\Console\Input\Input Represents an input coming from the CLI arguments
Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface Bartlett\CompatInfo\Console\Output\Output Is the default class for all CLI output
Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch Provides a way to profile your code analysis
Psr\Log\LoggerInterface Bartlett\CompatInfo\Logger\DefaultLogger Provides a default PSR3 compatible logger
Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface Bartlett\CompatInfo\Event\Dispatcher\EventDispatcher Dispatcher that handle all listeners attached by two subscribers

The closure returned by config/set/default-logger.php file provides also some parameters for the PSR3 logger:

Parameter ID Description
compatinfo.log_stream_path Path to a local file
compatinfo.log_channel Channel name
compatinfo.log_level Minimum logging level that will be handled