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Twig-CS-Fixer Converter

VincentLanglet/Twig-CS-Fixer - GitHub


Available since version 1.0.0

Table Of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Learn more
  5. IDE Integration
  6. Web SARIF viewer

twig_cs_fixer converter


  • Twig-CS-Fixer requires PHP version 8.0 or greater, with ctype and json extensions loaded
  • This SARIF converter requires at least Twig-CS-Fixer version 3.0.0


composer require --dev vincentlanglet/twig-cs-fixer bartlett/sarif-php-converters


vendor/bin/twig-cs-fixer lint /path/to/source --report sarif --config .twig-cs-fixer.dist.php


The .twig-cs-fixer.dist.php config file should at least identify the default Custom Reporter class TwigCsFixerReporter

$config = new TwigCsFixer\Config\Config();
$config->addCustomReporter(new Bartlett\Sarif\Converter\Reporter\TwigCsFixerReporter());

How to customize your converter

There are many ways to customize render of your converter.

Make the SARIF report output human-readable

By default, all converters use the default \Bartlett\Sarif\Factory\PhpSerializerFactory to return the SARIF JSON representation of your report.

But this serializer factory component, as native PHP json_encode function, does not use whitespace in returned data to format it.

To make your report human-readable, you have to specify the \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT constant, as encoder option.

Here is the way to do it !

Step 1: Create your report specialized class :


use Bartlett\Sarif\Converter\Reporter\TwigCsFixerReporter;
use Bartlett\Sarif\Converter\TwigCsFixerConverter;

class MyTwigCsFixerReporter extends TwigCsFixerReporter
    public function __construct()
        // enable pretty print feature
            new TwigCsFixerConverter([
                'format_output' => true,

Step 2: And finally, print the SARIF report

vendor/bin/twig-cs-fixer lint /path/to/source --report sarif --config .twig-cs-fixer.php


The MyTwigCsFixerReporter class is identified by the .twig-cs-fixer.php config file.

(optional) Use the Console Tool as alternative

If you prefer to convert from a [format supported natively][[twigcs-fixer-custom-reporters]] by Twig-CS-Fixer, then :

Step 1: Build the checkstyle output report

vendor/bin/twig-cs-fixer lint /path/to/source --report checkstyle

Step 2: And finally, convert it to SARIF with the Console Tool

php report-converter convert twigcs-fixer --input-format=checkstyle --input-file=examples/twigcs-fixer/checkstyle.xml -v


  • Without verbose option (-v) the Console Tool will print a compact SARIF version.
  • --output-file option allows to write a copy of the report to a file. By default, the Console Tool will always print the specified report to the standard output.

Learn more

IDE Integration

The SARIF report file [*].sarif.json is automagically recognized and interpreted by PhpStorm (2024).

PHPStorm integration

Web SARIF viewer

With the React based component, you are able to explore a sarif report file previously generated.

For example:
