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runAutomationDetails object

A runAutomationDetails object contains information that specifies theRun’s identity and role within an engineering system.

runAutomationDetails object


    "$schema": "",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "runs": [
            "tool": {
                "driver": {
                    "name": "CodeScanner",
                    "fullName": "CodeScanner 1.1, Developer Preview (en-US)",
                    "version": "1.1.2b12",
                    "semanticVersion": "1.1.2-beta.12",
                    "informationUri": ""
            "automationDetails": {
                "description": {
                    "text": "This is the {0} nightly run of the Credential Scanner tool on all product binaries in the '{1}' branch of the '{2}' repo. The scanned binaries are architecture '{3}' and build type '{4}'.",
                    "arguments": [
                        "October 10, 2018",
                "id": "Nightly CredScan run for sarif-sdk/master/x86/debug/2018-10-05",
                "guid": "11111111-1111-1111-8888-111111111111",
                "correlationGuid": "22222222-2222-1111-8888-222222222222"
            "results": []

How to generate

See full examples/runAutomationDetails.php script into repository.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Bartlett\Sarif\Definition\Message;
use Bartlett\Sarif\Definition\Run;
use Bartlett\Sarif\Definition\RunAutomationDetails;

$automationDetails = new RunAutomationDetails();

$text = "This is the {0} nightly run of the Credential Scanner tool on" .
    " all product binaries in the '{1}' branch of the '{2}' repo.".
    " The scanned binaries are architecture '{3}' and build type '{4}'.";
$description = new Message($text);
    "October 10, 2018",
$automationDetails->setId('Nightly CredScan run for sarif-sdk/master/x86/debug/2018-10-05');

$run = new Run($tool);