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physicalLocation object

A physicalLocation object represents the physical location where a result was detected. A physical location specifies a reference to an artifact together with a region within that artifact.

physicalLocation object


    "$schema": "",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "runs": [
            "tool": {
                "driver": {
                    "name": "CodeScanner",
                    "semanticVersion": "1.1.2-beta.12",
                    "informationUri": ""
            "results": [
                    "message": {
                        "text": "Identify a physical location where a result was detected."
                    "locations": [
                            "physicalLocation": {
                                "artifactLocation": {
                                    "uri": "ui/window.c",
                                    "uriBaseId": "SRCROOT"
                                "region": {
                                    "startLine": 42

How to generate

See full examples/physicalLocation.php script into repository.

[!NOTE] Since release 1.5.0, you may use fluent builders API as alternative. See full examples/builder/physicalLocation.php script into repository.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Bartlett\Sarif\Definition\ArtifactLocation;
use Bartlett\Sarif\Definition\Location;
use Bartlett\Sarif\Definition\Message;
use Bartlett\Sarif\Definition\PhysicalLocation;
use Bartlett\Sarif\Definition\Region;
use Bartlett\Sarif\Definition\Result;

$artifactLocation = new ArtifactLocation();

$result = new Result(new Message('Identify a physical location where a result was detected.'));
$location = new Location();
$physicalLocation = new PhysicalLocation($artifactLocation);
$physicalLocation->setRegion(new Region(42));