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Available tools


  • ✅ available with PHP version
  • ❌ not available with PHP version
Name Description PHP 8.0 PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3
Total available: 57 32 33 35 39
asciinema Terminal session recorder
box v4 Fast, zero config application bundler with PHARs
box-manifest v3 Create a manifest to a PHP Archive (PHAR) for the BOX project
cachetool 6 CLI application and library to manage apc and opcache (6.x version)
cachetool 7 CLI application and library to manage apc and opcache (7.x version)
cachetool 8 CLI application and library to manage apc and opcache (8.x version)
cachetool 9 CLI application and library to manage apc and opcache (9.x version)
composer Dependency Manager for PHP (2.x version)
deployer 2 A deployment tool for PHP (2.x versions)
deployer 3 A deployment tool for PHP (3.x versions)
deployer 4 A deployment tool for PHP (4.x versions)
deployer 5 A deployment tool for PHP (5.x versions)
deployer 6 A deployment tool for PHP (6.x versions)
deployer 7 A deployment tool for PHP (7.x versions)
graphviz Graph Visualization Tools
htop Interactive process viewer
HTTP Prompt An interactive command-line HTTP and API testing client built on top of HTTPie
HTTPie A modern user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era
jq Command-line JSON processor
Laravel Installer The PHP Framework for Web Artisans
mhsendmail sendmail for MailHog
nvm Node Version Manager
OpenJDK Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime (headless)
OpenJDK OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless) (JDK 17 LTS)
OpenJDK OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless) (JDK 11 LTS)
phive The PHAR Installation and Verification Environment
php-cs-fixer 2 PHP Coding Standards Fixer (2.x versions)
php-cs-fixer 3 PHP Coding Standards Fixer (3.x versions)
phpbench PHP Benchmarking framework
phpbu 6 PHP Backup Utility (6.x version)
phpcbf 2 Automatically corrects coding standard violations
phpcbf 3 Automatically corrects coding standard violations
phpcs 2 PHP_CodeSniffer detects violations of a defined set of coding standards
phpcs 3 PHP_CodeSniffer detects violations of a defined set of coding standards
phpdd Finds usage of deprecated features
phpdoc Documentation Generator for PHP
phplint v4 Checks PHP file syntax (4.x version)
phplint v5 Checks PHP file syntax (5.x version)
phplint v6 Checks PHP file syntax (6.x version)
phplint v9 Checks PHP file syntax (9.x version)
phpmnd PHP Magic Number Detector
phpstan PHP Static Analysis Tool
phpunit 10 The PHP Unit Testing framework (10.x version)
phpunit 4 The PHP Unit Testing framework (4.x version)
phpunit 5 The PHP Unit Testing framework (5.x version)
phpunit 6 The PHP Unit Testing framework (6.x version)
phpunit 7 The PHP Unit Testing framework (7.x version)
phpunit 8 The PHP Unit Testing framework (8.x version)
phpunit 9 The PHP Unit Testing framework (9.x version)
pickle PHP Extension installer
pip v2 The Python package installer (2.x version)
pip v3 The Python package installer (3.x version)
psalm Finds errors in PHP applications
tig Text-mode interface for git
WordPress CLI WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress.
yarn Yarn is a package manager that doubles down as project manager
yq Command-line YAML processor