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List available tools

bin/toolkit.php list:tools <php_version>

Replace <php_version> by either 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0 or 8.1

To get list of compatible tools for a PHP platform.

Filter tools by tags

To limit some tools from the listing, multiple --tag options can be added.

For example:

bin/toolkit.php list:tools 7.4 --tag composer --tag phpunit

that prints following output:

List available tools for PHP 7.4

 ----------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  Name        Description                                    Website
 ----------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  composer    Dependency Manager for PHP           
  phpunit 8   The PHP Unit Testing framework (8.x version)
  phpunit 9   The PHP Unit Testing framework (9.x version)
 ----------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

 ! [NOTE] 3 tools available.